Tips for Quick AdSense Approval in few weeks

Your WordPress website adsense approval is still pending? Be positive! You are not the only one. Even my site was not approved for 6 months. This is tricky because some people get approved on the first attempt, and some people don’t get approval in multiple attempts. Adsense approval makes you eligible for payments through add click, so here we will discuss tips for quick Adsense approval that will solve your problem.

Oh, My God! How will I get approval? Wait, Wait, Don’t disturb God for such small things. Let’s check some loopholes in your website which may cause the rejection of your website. I can not help you if your crush rejects you, but here, I can do something for you.

Yeah! Probably after approval, when you become rich with website earnings, they return to you. Well, bonus advice work for yourself, don’t chase the same process with mistakes; fix the loopholes, become better and apply again for AdSense.

Tips For Quick AdSense approval:

·       Easy to approach website:

·       Your website should be clean and easy to navigate. It will help if you look serious and expert in the niche. Share the knowledge with your audience with your original content.

·       Easy to navigate interface.

·       Availability of important pages- Home, About Us, Privacy policy.

Create engaging content for quick AdSense approval:

Content is not just writing a few things or posting some pictures. You must follow a proper structure for your content and make segments based on word count and paragraph. You 

can follow blog templates for a suitable structure for your blogs. Ensure you are writing in a fixed word count for all the blogs; don’t create a variation in the word count.

Use the necessary picture to define your content, as it makes your content appealing and engaging.

Use the Right Domain Name for quick AdSense approval:

Your website will represent you and your brand online, so understand the difference between Rebok and Rebook. Don’t buy domain names like

Adsense rarely approve this kind of domain name.

Get quick AdSense approval with traffic 

Without adequate site traffic, you cannot profit from Adsense. Therefore, strive to increase website traffic before submitting an Adsense application.

The following are some strategies you may use to increase website traffic:

Share on websites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and other social media.

Your website’s SEO may be improved to attract more search engine visitors.

Respond to questions on well-known forums like Quora to bring targeted traffic to your website.

Add a comment to another blog.

Contribute as a guest on other websites with a link to your website.

Quick adsense approval for Brand:

Adsense rejects the approval if it doesn’t find you serious. Brands get easy approval for the website. Follow a systematic approach and launch your brand. Focus on its social media existence, and be open to taking and giving reviews about it.

Hire content Writers:

You are undoubtedly extra talented, but managing multiple tasks can be challenging. Expertise level should reflect on your content as well. Hiring a writer is not a loss infect; it is an investment to quick AdSense Approval. This is quite funny that most blog website owners are SEO or content experts instead of web developers.

Content is the soul of your Blog website, onsite and off-site.

You can call a carpenter to fix your TV; similarly, Let writers do their work. How will we hire a writer as a startup? Contact us at or; We will help you get the best content writers at the best price.

Quick AdSense Approval with twitter trick

This is one of the best and rare tricks. You can get approval easily if it is pending and follow all the necessary parameters. You will get quick AdSense Approval in few days days by using this trick. It is proven and promoted by several people but doesn’t forget that more followers of the same strategy can ruin the effectiveness. Do only if you think that it is required.

Less traffic and content is barrier for quick AdSense Approval:

Are you struggling with a low-quality content issue or less traffic on your website? You can drive good traffic through content, SEO or traffic arbitrage methods to get quick AdSense Approval. Let’s check the about low quality content issue. There is various myth about low-quality content, it does not mean that you have written bad content or not use fancy words. Low-quality content means, your word count is low. There may be other reasons, like low readability score.

Make sure that you have at least 1000+ words in your article for the new website or at least six articles in each category.

Ad sense alternative for less traffic:

Obviously, you can not get overnight traffic on the new website. Ezoic is one of the most popular AdSense alternatives, a partner of Ad sense. Ezoic allows you to get monetize in less than 10K traffic. Make sure that you have applied to specifically less than 10K option. Ezoic gives two options one is less than 10K, and the other one is 10K+.

Ezoic approvals are in a go, giving you proper training on placing ads and placeholders on your website. I like Ezoic standards and services. This is a great fit for a new website and helps speed optimization and better performance.

Ezoic has uploaded all helping tutorials on its website, where you can see step-by-step processes on how to use it. You check those tutorials to integrate your website and set up your ads. If you face any issues with your application being rejected, you can take our paid help for approval. Write to us at, and we will help you.


Adsense approval is important for opening golden doors of earning. Although you can try alternatives like ezoic, there is one more amazing option: promote your work on both platforms Adsense and Ezoic, and start earning separately from both angels. Don’t depend on your 9 to 5 job if you want to be rich, start your blog, hire writers and get extra income which is higher than your actual salary after getting quick AdSense Approval.

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