Create WordPress Website in this way for AdSense Approval

WordPress is a convenient option for creating a website for beginners or for those who don’t want to spare much time in development of a website. How much you are expecting to create wordpress website? Yes, there is not a sure estimate of expenditure in website development.

One of my friend asked me, Is it possible to create WordPress Website without any knowledge of coding and technical interface? The simple answer is no, but not impossible. 

You can gain the knowledge of some basics and you can create a simple website using WordPress or other website builders. WordPress is one of the most reliable and secure application for website development.

My this writeup is dedicate to those readers who have a keen desire to learn WordPress. Here I’ll share a simple way of creating a simple blog website using WordPress.

Steps to create WordPress Website:

Excited for creating your first blog website with WordPress? Follow these simple steps one by one if you are an absolute beginner. After that you can make changes as per your need, wish or requirement. Set up your account and login with your credentials.

Select a theme to create website

WordPress has several paid and free themes. Check on the search box and type whatever you  want. For example; I will type blog to search blog templates. There are multiple blog templates to create wordpress website on the screen now. Select your favorite one, install for customization. Once you have installed the template, it will be applied automatically with dummy content. All you require is to modify the content.

Theam Customization for WP website creation

Now you have installed the theme, you have to customized the theme. Click on customize option for basic changes like identity, color, images, header, and text. You can directly change the written text from here.

Create Word Press Website Menu and Category

Menu and Categorize are important for your blogs to customize the format and organize your content. You need to create categories before creating Menus.  

Move your cursor on posts the choose category option to create catagories.

  • Fill Category name like blogging tips etc,
  • Fill slug, it will reflect the name of category in URL.
  • You can choose a parent category if you want to make it a sub category.
  • Write an understandable description as an overview what your readers can find inside.

Connect categories with menu now. You can check in the pictures

How to Write and Edit Blog for WordPress Website?

After creating menu now say congrats to yourself because you are going to create your first blogpost. It would be interesting and less challenging. Let me divide it in to parts-Post and Publish. You can write your content on MS Word or word and complete it with final editing like external and internal linking, formatting etc. Once you are done with document part. Select add new-new post.

Enter your title here which should be in H1 tag. 

Copy and paste your content body below the title. 

There are two kinds of editors in the WordPress-HTML code editor and Visual Editor to create wordpress website. Those who don’t want to invest their valuable time in coding can choose visual editor. Visual Editor is easy to use for beginners. Most of the links and formatting done at word document can be easily pasted here without any extra effort. This is the plus point of visual editor.

How to publish your blog when you create WordPress Website?

You need to take care of some valuable points before publishing your blog. Insert necessary tag, select category, check that you have selected appropriate author name or not. Select features image. Add focused keyword in title and meta description. Install AISEO plugin as it will show you all missing elements of your blog.

Check if your WordPress Blog Published

Now your blog is ready to publish if you have entered all the relevant details. Now select preview in new tab under preview option to see how does it looks on browser. Make sure that you have optimized your images and blog for mobile phone to get enough reach.

Publish your blog by clicking on publish button. It is live on your website now, you can make any changes to your blog after publishing it. Make sure that you have entered correct information inside your blog and any piece of line is not plagiarised. Take help of paid of free tools to check plagiarism and grammar. I recommend using grammerly premium for grammar and for checking plagiarism.

Mention tags and catagories for Blog publishing

Mention relevant tags and category for your blog post, if you are not expert in this field your blog post will look like a momo at burger shop. Select tags after a little research or use your own skills of trending tags insert them in the box given at right corner. You Blog is ready for review.

Preview your WordPress Blog

You have completed all the steps here. Now select at preview option which will show three type of preview- Mobile,web, in new tab. Select anyone to see how does it look, check for everything like images, tags, headlines and post it.

Instructions to create WordPress Website for Blog

Publishing your first blog post is matter of joy and excitement. In lack of proper guidance, mistake chances are higher. WordPress is a perfect solution for beginners as it has huge library of plugin for everything including freestock images, keyword research, SEO score, to identify mistakes in content and installation process is also easy.

  • Check YouTube Videos before taking any crucial step.
  • Always keep in mind the density and word count while creating metatag or Title.
  • Use plugins to lessen your work and mange the publishing and creation on fingertips.

Can I create WP Website without any technical knowledge?

Having prior technical knowledge is a must for creating a WordPress website, otherwise it might take more time than usual and chances are higher for technical glitch.

You also have an option of buying pre-setup blog post which starts from 10K INR only, drop your mails at to avail extra 20% discount on WordPress Website. Save this Coupon Code to avail the offer: KITANNO.WORDPRESS.

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