Blog Set up Services Vs Website Development

What is the difference in blog set up services and web development? Isn’t it same? Hi, once again we are here with some tackling questions. Many people wants to know about website development and blog set up services in depth. Both services are developing a website for you then what is the difference. Should I take website development for high quality website or a blog set up service? Which one is more effective for my blog? Am I compromising by choosing a blog set up services instead of website development? Here I will answer all your questions and also tell you why Kitanno blog set up services are better in comparison to any other bog set up or web development service.

Difference between Blog Set up Services and Website Development:

Website development is focused on development of website. There is nothing to do with it is eligible for AdSense approval or affiliate programs or not. This is an additional quality that some one think about you and add extra additional functionality.

This is similar like you are suffering from cold and went to a chemist. You asked him about your condition and he gave you some medicines. May be you will get relief after that while blog set up services are like visiting a doctor who is specialist. He will analyse your need, examine you and give you the medicine. Doctor will tell you about precautions, cause and diet.

This is the difference between blog setup service and website development. Blog Set up services are complete bundle of web development, content, plugins, article help. This makes you eligible for quick approval and you can start from the next day.

Blog Set up Services Vs Website Development

Website development has its own significance if you want to develop a website for providing any service or you want to sell something. Another case is tha you need a blog website for earning and you are looking it for a long term. In that case blog set up services are the most suitable option. This is not only cost effective but also packed with number of features for you.

Time saving approach:

Website development serves you only with a website. You don’t know what to do next about plugins, how to apply for ad sense or other services etc. There are so many things to take care of you the moment you decide to earn form your blog website.

Website development is just a step toward your blogging journey. It will not allow you to start publishing from the next day unlike Blog set up services. You can save more time by choosing Blog setup services instead of website development.

Complete guide and helping hand:

Kitanno blog set up services will also guide you for your blogging journey. We can assist you in niche selection, promotion and article writing. In contrast, you can get only a high quality fuctionality with blog set up services.

Blog set up services providers are expert who knows everything form development to earning methods so it would be a wise decision to choose blog set up services instead of website development for a blog.

Cost Effective:

Website development for a new blog is expensive in comparison to Blog set up services. Only website development cost somewhere around 15,000 INR or $20 (minimum). Plugins, Content, approval application and content help are optional which are also high in price. You overall costing goes around $50 which is high in comparison to Blog set up Services. It costs same as  a basic website development while you get additional thing for free with Kitanno blog set up services.

Quick Delivery

Kitanno Blog Set up services promise quick delivery of your blog website. An ideal website development takes 7-15 days to complete your website while Kitanno commits for less than 7 days.

Yes, in less than 7 days you can start blogging and earning from your won website. You can work from any where and earn more than your 9-5 job. You can decide any niche in which you have the best command and converts your experience into a money making article.

Click here to unlock more information in Blog Set up services.

Kitanno Blog Set-up Services

Kitanno Blog Set-up services cover each element from website development to approval. It is not mandatory that you need to take a complete package for your project. To make it more convenient, we have made it an option to choose and pick anyone randomly per your need and requirement.

We help you with everything, whether content creation, website designing, website creation, blog publishing, social sharing and follow buttons or ezoic application for new websites (earning approval takes time).

Contact us for quotes:

What does Kitanno Blog Set up Services include?

Our services includes and covers everything what you need for your blog-


Website with three user accounts

Theme customization and Tag lines

Content of Web pages (about us, privacy policy)

Plugin Installation

Additional Paid Services

Articles (optional) —-80 ppw

Ezoic or Adsesne approval services ——- 5,000 INR


Blog set up services are the best alternatives if you want to start blogging. This is a complete suit for delivering an ideal platform for long term. You can hire your own employees and decide their roles while all these things are expensive in website development services. This is why I recommend choosing Blog Set up services instead of website development. You can send your inquires to us at

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