Follow This to Avoid low quality content issue in Blog

Are you dealing with the low-quality content issue? There are many bloggers who are in the situation that Google is continuously sending reminders to remove low content quality issues. You have hired a professional content writer for your blog but can still avoid this notification. We will discuss some solid ways to avoid low quality content issue.

So, what does it mean by low-quality content? Is my content Plagiarized or copied?…

The first thought that strikes many site owners is that my content writer is probably not working properly. They must be sending copied content to me, while there are chances that you have sent the wrong guidelines to your writer. Word count plays are major role here; let me tell you in detail.

What is low-quality content in website WordPress?

Google always has smart senses to check whether your content quality is good. It has evergreen-changing Algorithms to check and analyze things.

Reasons for Low-Quality content:

  • Content is not unique or in a similar format to any other existing article.
  • Content is irrelevant or off-topic. Your content does not represent a meaningful objective and is irrelevant to other headings or titles.
  • You have not mentioned reference links to your content on the WordPress website.
  • It should be easily sharable and worth bookmarking and unable to avoid low quality content issue.
  • Sloppy, full of mistakes, and disordered sentences are also considered low-quality content that is hard to understand.

If your content follows any of these traits, It would be considered low-quality content.

How to avoid low-quality content issue?

There could be many reasons of adsense rejection. Low quality content is one of them and it is common as well. You can avoid frequent rejection of adsense by removing low quality content issue and get more information in detail here.

Hire authorized writers to remove low quality content issue:

I am quite disappointed that people hire writers for as low a price as possible by saying this is only writing work. This is not only doing some work for your website WordPress; this is creation, a talent known as W-R-I-T-I-N-G. Especially in the case of Indian clients, I have seen that they expect a low amount of paisa per word which is not the right pricing as per my opinion.

Clients should listen their inner voice and think that low-cost dissatisfaction will reflect in their work, which harms their website. Some people use AI generators that are poisonous for your website WordPress. Unfortunately, many of you will understand only- AI generators are poisonous …that’s it. 

They won’t understand why it is happening.

Expensive things are valuable, so if you want something valuable, pay for it. Negotiable things are always of low quality.

Research Well to Remove low quality problem

Your content should be unique, and at least there should be your point of view. This is what makes an article unique and different from other available articles. Research well from authorized sources that are not spreading fake information, as this might lead to a dangerous issue in the future to avoid low quality content problem. Your research makes website WordPress articles suitable and trustworthy. There are fewer chances of getting trolled for criticism if you have researched well.

Use authentic newspapers, books, gov authorized websites, or informative portals like Wikipedia. Don’t forget to mention sources when presenting information in the same order or manner. For example, Elon must say……… Do not forget to mention where you have seen or learned about what Elon Musk said.

Make it readable to remove low quality issue:

Readability is a main concern people usually forget to take care of, but this point should be considered a key point. Readability makes it readable for all kinds of audiences, so use short and simple sentences to make it readable.

You can also use third-party tools to check your readability score. In case you cannot find any tool, you can check Grammarly. It comes with grammar-checking and readability score-checking features. You can find this feature in the right sidebar; it shows the readability score.

Create small paragraphs to avoid low quality content issue

Making segments makes it more readable for the audience. You can break it into 2 or 3 lines in small paragraphs to make it more accessible. It also looks well organized, and easy for a reader to find exactly what segment he is looking for.

You can research on the internet or read about the reader’s psychology. A clustered content seems boring, no matter how engaging or knowledge it is. Readers usually skip clustered content and don’t read your article line by line.

On another side, if the reader is searching for specific information in the content, he has to read each line, while segments make it easier to find. He can find that segment where relevant information is available.

Tools to avoid low quality content problem:

How would I know if my content is plagiarized or not? This is not possible to check each and everything in a go, but our tech buddies are always here. You can use the help of Grammer check and plagiarism tools. Although premium versions are expensive, many free tools are good to use. For example, is a free tool that allows users to check up to 1000 words for free. Grammelry paid versions, or extensions, are highly recommended to check content mistakes in a blog website.  

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These are well-known and popular methods to remove low-quality content issues from your website. It will surely help you avoid this problem and get a solution. Moreover, dedicate yourself to creating original content based on your real experience. Everyone has unique traits, frame them in your own words, and finish them with your unique talent.

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