Underrated Ideas to Avoid AdSense Rejection

Hey! Are you struggling with AdSense approval? 90% beginners struggle with various type of Adsense challenges. There is a proper list of most common issues in the approval. You could be wondering what you and your website did to deserve the rejection if you applied for Google AdSense or its better-paying competitor, Ad Exchange.

There are several obvious reasons why AdSense can reject your website from their ad network, even if rejections can occasionally be difficult to understand. Google AdSense provides a way for publishers to earn money from their online content. Here we are sharing some ideas to avoid AdSense Rejection.

Avoid AdSense Rejection due to Application Process

Application process timing You must submit an application between the published opening and closing dates and times. The Community Grants Hub will not accept late applications unless an applicant has experienced exceptional circumstances that prevent the submission of the application.

The process of applying for Google AdSense.

  • Click Get started.
  • Sign in to your Google Account.
  • Choose whether you’d like AdSense to send you customized help and performance suggestions. …
  • Select your payment country or territory. …
  • Review and accept the AdSense Terms and Conditions.
  • Click Start using AdSense.

Why did Google reject your application for AdSense?

Let’s begin by asking the most fundamental query. Google rejects your AdSense programmer; why?

Your AdSense application may be denied for a variety of reasons. Here are a few main explanations for why your AdSense account is denied.

You disobeyed Google’s policies.

There aren’t enough contents on your page (average amount of articles).

Your blogs and websites don’t receive enough traffic.

Understanding Google AdSense

Let’s quickly define Google AdSense before we go into the causes for AdSense rejection. By displaying pertinent advertising, Google AdSense is a programmed that enables website owners and bloggers to monetize their online content. Although it is tricky and quite lengthy to read and understand all the policy and parameters of google for the approval process but it is important to read and check everything when users interact with these adverts or click on them, website owners are paid. AdSense acceptance is not, however, as simple as it might seem.

The 7 Key Reasons for AdSense Rejection

7 Common AdSense Rejection Reasons

Reason 1:  Insufficient Content

One of the most common reasons for AdSense rejection is having insufficient content on your website. Google wants to ensure that the websites displaying their ads provide value to visitors. If your site lacks enough quality content, it’s unlikely to get approved. Aim for at least 20-30 well-written and informative blog posts before applying for AdSense.

Reason 2:  Plagiarized Content

Google takes content originality seriously. Your application for AdSense will be denied if your website contains duplicate or stolen content from other sources. Make sure all of your information is original, thoroughly researched, and free of plagiarism.

 Reason 3:  Poor Website Design

A cluttered and unprofessional website design can also lead to rejection. Your website should be user-friendly, easy to navigate, and visually appealing. A clean design not only pleases visitors but also enhances your chances of AdSense approval.

Reason 4:  Violation of Google Policies

Google has a strict set of policies that all AdSense publishers must adhere to. Violating any of these policies, such as engaging in click fraud or displaying prohibited content, can result in rejection. Make sure to thoroughly review and comply with Google’s policies before applying.

 Reason 5:  Insufficient Traffic

While Google doesn’t specify a minimum traffic requirement, having too little traffic can be a red flag. Your website should attract a reasonable amount of organic traffic to be considered for AdSense. Focus on SEO and content marketing to increase your site’s visibility.

Reason 6:  Misleading Content

Misleading or deceptive content can quickly lead to rejection. Be transparent and honest in your content. Avoid clickbait titles and ensure that your content matches the expectations set by your headlines.

 Reason 7:  Inadequate User Experience

A poor user experience, including slow loading times and non-mobile-friendly designs, can lead to rejection. Optimize your website for speed and ensure it’s responsive on various devices to improve user satisfaction.

Get Quick AdSense Approval- Click Here!

Getting your Google AdSense application rejected can be discouraging, but it’s not the end of the road. By addressing the key reasons we’ve discussed, you can significantly improve your chances of approval. Remember to focus on creating valuable, original content, adhering to Google’s policies, and enhancing the overall user experience of your website.


 1. How long does it take to get AdSense approval?

 Ans:  The approval process can vary, but it typically takes a few weeks. Be patient and continue to improve your website during this time.

2. Can I reapply for AdSense after rejection?

Ans:  Yes, you can. Address the issues that led to rejection, improve your website, and then reapply.

3. Is there a minimum traffic requirement for AdSense approval?

Ans:  Google doesn’t specify a minimum traffic requirement, but having some organic traffic is essential to demonstrate the value of your website.

4. Can I use other ad networks with AdSense?

Ans:  Yes, you can use other ad networks alongside AdSense, but be sure to comply with their policies as well.

5. What should I do if my AdSense account gets suspended?

Ans:  If your AdSense account is suspended, follow Google’s guidelines for resolving the issue. In some cases, you may be able to regain access to your account.