Airlines Sale Scams : Read before you book Air Ticket

Air Asia is promoting its sale on with pomp and show on internet platforms now a days. Many of you have must noticed but when you click on the add and check after entering any destination or source name, you will get surprised. Here you will see that there is no discount at all. You will be watching the actual prices.

It happens every year by many airlines and third party portals, some times they flash an add of book your tickets as low as Rs 999 for domestic flight or anything else similar. There are no routes for offering this much discount. In most of the cases, third party websites are using popular airlines names. However, I found some websites like clear trip, or make my trip who actually have great deals for passengers.

This is why these are considered as one of the most reliable services. Airlines has just making money using different sort of traps. Middle class people book the flights for their comfort and upgrade options show various benefits but reality is different any times.

Another case was shared before sometime, A user booked a ticket under flexi flight. The benefit was you can reschedule your flight with paying rescheduling fee but you need to pay the price difference only. Under the given terms user tried to reschedule the flight but something unexpected happened. It was a short route flight and they have already raised the prices 2 times higher than actual cost. Indirectly we can say that the rescheduling cost was merged in the price change.

If you search normally using website portal you will get the fair 3,500 but using the reschedule under flexi flight prices were 7,500 for the same flight and same route. All I can say, these are not marketing strategies these are making con stunts. Users will not trust again like this.